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Solo Leveling
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Gekkou review
Apr 09, 2021
Gekkou review
Gekkoh; a typical straight-forward revenge story, which would have been just that, if it weren't padded out with uninteresting subplots and needless sexual content.

With the seedy, corrupt, underbelly of the Japanese Yakuza as its main focus; Kyoutarou Higawa is a highschool kid who's caught up in the conflict between his family's clan and other clans. Then one day Kumiko Shizuki, a girl he has never met before arrives to disrupt his life even further; by claiming to be his half-sister, who happens to be out for revenge. So Gekkoh immediately establishes itself as some kind of political drama, of the coalition & conflict within the Yakuza. With action & mystery being the main driving force behind Kumiko's quest for vengeance and even a bit of romance slapped in for good measure. However just because the story of Gekkoh has a lot going on, doesn't mean it has a lot going for it. Instead of trying to instil believability to the numerous plotlines, the mangaka takes the lazy approach to issues like prostitution & incestuous relations. And all that remains is a half-assed, convoluted storyline; with laughably bad dialogue, filling up the poorly presented panels.

This also leads to why the characters don't hold up well, in a positive light. Both main characters fail to have some kind of appeal, in my opinion, because they both come with some of my - maybe even your own - pet peeves. Kyoutarou is downright pathetic, from the way he reacts & interacts with members of the opposite sex, to how he always manages to get his assed handed to him. So with that, Kumiko should come as a breath of fresh air. A strong-willed, capable, female lead. The kind that I like... is what I would say, if the idiot mangaka didn't feel the need to degrade her so incessantly. The unfortunate thing is that both Kyoutarou & Kumiko have their good moments, but those moments are far too sporadic, to leave much of an impact. The side characters are generic in both design and motivation and are only there to give Kyoutarou & Kumiko more to do then just fool around. There are actually some side characters who are given interesting back-stories, but they never seem to be fleshed out beyond the basic requisite.

Kind of like the basic scrawls I find on a page that's supposed to represent the artwork of Gekkoh, which simply can be described as horribly inconsistent. Usually artwork that's rough around the edges can be forgiven, when the mangaka tries to express his/her own unique style, but Gekkoh goes from being alright to just a plain bad at a moment's notice. Also I find it a problem not being able to tell exactly what's going on in a panel, due to how poorly the character's gestures & actions are drawn and maybe you will too

In the end Gekkoh is a manga that leads a lot to be desired. It is by no means a horrid piece of literary tripe, which my largely negative review seems to suggest; I just expected more from it and to think this is the kind of manga, Serika Hirumo was able to produce with well over 10 years of experience. Just shows how little he's developed as an artist & as a storyteller.
Erotic Horror
Kabocha to Mayonnaise
Kabocha to Mayonnaise
Kabocha to Mayonnaise
Kabocha to Mayonnaise review
Kabocha to Mayonnaise
Apr 05, 2021
Kabocha to Mayonnaise review
If you like disappointments and pieces of shits in your life, this is the manga for you and also this is very sad if you encourage people like the main male character Sei.

The dramatic synopsis made me really think I would enjoy this manga. So to that idiot who told me "if it has a good plot, then it's gonna be good, anime or manga without a great plot isn't worth the time." Lemme tell you that reading this shit was a waste of time like you literally have the typical weak and dumb female protagonist named Tsuchida who tries so hard to impress stupid men who she shouldn't give the time of the day to. Both men in her life don't respect her at all. Her precious ex Hagio is a womanizer and she literally knows "he has other women, is a womanizer, and not a nice person but I like the way he makes me feel. That emotionless look in his face scares me but shortly after lately he smiles, he's always smiling." This doesn't even make any sense whatsoever lol.

Her ex is cold hearted and her man that lives with her mooches off of her and he depends on her like a man child. He has no motivation at all, no plan B, doesn't help support her or offer to do shit for her but has the nerve to complain about Hingis as if he pays the bills. He's literally a loser and the type of guy a parent doesn't want their daughter to be put with at all, he's just extremely annoying and fucking pathetic. When they get back together, he goes back to ordering her around as if nothing happened. She always have to do things for the guy sooo... her broke ass ex couldn't pay for the hotel, so she..tight on money paid to buy him beer and that hotel just to fuck him, cheat on her loser current bf until the same loser breaks up with him because he "wants her to have a happier life and a man who'll treat her right."

When she breaks up...ofc the dumb broad goes back to her womanizer ex who finally says "I only liked you when you had a boyfriend, maybe we should split up." Now her friend warned her so many times but being the pathetic shell of a woman she is, out of money, she made sacrifices for men...finally invites her last bf that just left Sei to "come back home so she can cook him something good," in what's looks like they're going back to the same routine of him be a controlling loser and failed musician. Saying things like "how long do I have to wait to eat" I'm sorry but maybe your punk ass should idk help out, get a stable job, learn how to cook instead of being a whiny adult child and crying all the time, you're a grown man. She's just stupid honestly lol.
Yokujou Climax
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