Emerging review

Apr 06, 2021
So I'm guessing there is going to be some renewed interest in this manga considering the world's current situation with Corona virus. I myself began reading it for the same reason, and while it isn't anything amazing, it is definitely an interesting read that you can probably breeze through in just over an hour.

An aspect I liked about the manga was it's semi realistic take on how a modern day Japan would respond to a pandemic. The virus itself is where the horror part of the manga comes in, and also where the art is at its best. Infected individuals turn into these bloated corpses with bloodshot eyes, eventually imploding as blood ejects from every orfice on their body.It is definelty gross and horrifying, but outside of these moments the art is pretty standard. Not amazing, but not terrible by any means.
I say semi realistic because the manner in which the virus is analyzed and dealt with, as well as the issue of media spreading falsehoods (which is touched upon) is realistic, however I wouldn't imagine a haemorrhagic fever like this ever existing - at least I hope not, the Corona virus is already bad enough :).

Characters are probably the weakest part of the manga, though that is understandable as it is short and focuses mostly on how the virus is dealt with. This brings me to my main gripe with the manga which is it's length. I think it wraps up a little too quickly; I would have liked to see the manga take more time to fully explore the conecpt. Seeing how other countries fight the virus, what measures are taken, what are the effects of the pandemic on the world would have made for a very interesting read. (Basically think Contagion: Manga edition). I think this would also give time for the manga to have a greater focus on regular citizens being affected by the virus, which it does do at times, and these are some of my favourite parts of the manga.

Maybe I'm just wishing for these because I want to see a manga adapt our current situation LOL. Either way the manga definetly eft me wanting more.

A good, short manga about a pandemic that can keep you occupied for a while if you're bored in quarantine.

This is a unique manga, as there aren't that many manga (or anime), to my knowledge, that focus on a pandemic like this. Hopefully more manga/anime are made in the future that focus on this topic. It is definetly likely.
Faire un don


Auteur Hokazono, Masaya