Chocolate Cosmos review

Apr 05, 2021
I actually didn't enjoy this manga as much as I thought I would. It's got a cute start and a cute ending, but much of the in-between felt unnecessary and uninteresting. That being said, overall it's still a good story with decent characters. But for some reason it just didn't draw me in like other similarly styled shoujo mangas.

I think part of it was that a lot of the characters (excluding Hagi and Sakurai) seemed very flat. All of Sakurai's friends didn't get any exploration or development into their character. I know it's a short manga, but still, I missed the depth of a whole cast of interesting characters that I get out of many similar mangas. Even Yuushi was too one-dimensional, and he got a lot of page time - it was just all the SAME.

I will say, though, that the two main characters, Hagi and Sakurai, were very interesting and fun to read about. I guess I just wish they had a little more focus, considering the manga is about them in the end. There were really only a few cute moments between them. Of course, those few moments were adorable!

As for the art, it's probably not fair for me to comment, because unfortunately I was reading a scanlation of poor page quality for the most part, especially the last chapter. The few chapters that I did have clearly, though, were very nice - I love the characters' designs and chibi-moments. There was also one extra chapter in color which was beautifully done.

It's a quick enough read that if you like this genre, it's totally worth it, but it's not the best in its category.
Faire un don


Chocolate Cosmos
Chocolate Cosmos
Auteur Haruta, Nana