Solo Leveling review

Apr 17, 2021
Honestly, I saw solo leveling a bunch of times on Instagram but ignored it but soon I was bored and looking for something to read and I started reading it. At first, I thought that it would be a typical cliche but it is so different. I loved this masterpiece so much. Especially the main character he's even my Instagram profile pic. I loved how the main character unlike in one punch man got found out and how he became the strongest hero. (I read the novel) It is honestly so thrilling even the novels good. I loved this so much, he has to face so many trials and you might not know what I'm talking about unless you read ahead in the novel. I can't wait for the manga to update again in the novel it showed just how much he cared for his family and he had to deal with so many deaths from his precious loved ones. He even went to America this comic is a 10/10 R.IP Go Gun Hei.
Faire un don


Solo Leveling
Solo Leveling
Auteur Chugong