All You Need Is Kill review

Apr 02, 2021
All You Need Is Kill is a built with a great premise. Humans are locked in a losing battle with aliens, when one soldier- a weakling called Keiji- 'dies'. But then he wakes up to find himself in a time loop.
When this was adapted into the American Film it was called 'Groundhog Day with Aliens' which was such a baffling comparison that I ended up watching the film in the cinema. If you did watch "Edge of Tomorrow" then I can see that mistake being made- the film way basically that. But the manga builds an empire on this premise. Without the westernisation of the story All You Need Is Kill is a gore filled tragedy. The main character finds himself faced with his mortality and facing the understanding that no matter how perfect a soldier he becomes he will never be able to face the insurmountable odds. This isn't an allegory for war- it is war and it's painful, cruel and sad.
The Story: 7/10
Keiji Kiriya is a new soldier in the United Defense Force, an army armed with exo-skeletons who fight an invading alien species called the Mimics. Unprepared for the horrors awaiting him he is pushed out onto the battle field, dying in his first battle after killing a Mimic that is different in appearance to the others. Then he wakes up. Then dies again. Again and again, he is brutally killed and resurected all the while he gains skill. A female soldier named Rita- renowned for being the best a soldier can be, is revealed to have faced an identical fate. Through each loop he trains, gains access to her weapon until she recognises, in one loop, the situation he is in- realising she needs to help him.
The Art: 9/10
Art in manga means very little to me these days, One Punch Man and Mob Psycho both show art doesn't have much effect on the experience. However All You Need Is Kill have some stunning panels. When I saw the Aliens on the battle field, the detail was so incredible I felt sickened but in awe. The image of Keiji in his exoskeleton on the battle field- covered in blood and out of breath shocked me in it power. The expressions can be janky at times, sometimes even a bit generic, but the use of expression to show Keiji losing his will to live is almost makes up for that in my mind.
The Characters: 9/10
How do you design a character who constantly dies, no matter how well he does? How do you make his personality develop, or regress? The character development of Keiji from a terrified boy, to a man miserable with existence and unable to stand living, to a soldier with honour and pride is so well done that you never stop and say "Well that was a jump". Every character in this develops, even when they never have more than a day to do so. However the main emphasis of character is put upon Keiji and Rita. Is this a bad thing? Not at all, rather it allows us to explore the unique horror of a situation where you are trapped alone with a fate worse than death. Keiji's character arc watched him face insurmountable odds, he looks into the void and he hates what he sees.
All You Need Is Kill is honestly one of the saddest things I've read- dealing with issues such a self-worth, sacrifice and mortality. Very much worth the read four years on.
Faire un don


All You Need Is Kill
All You Need Is Kill
Auteur Abe, Yoshitoshi