Nijiiro Days review

Apr 02, 2021
Overall I give this a straight 9/10, GREAT!

I found it so refreshing to read a Shoujo manga that didn't center around girls and their school life antics. It was nice to read something that showed that boys had thoughts and problems just like girls do, because we're all the same!

Cute, cute, cute! Let's face it, we almost all read these types of manga to get all squeaky and fake happy cry when our ship goes canon. Thats exactly what this anime did for me. The characters are typical, but you see them in a new light, no one is mysterious and we don't know what they're thinking. We get to see a side of everyone and it doesn't centter around a single couple or person.

The art is quite typical of shoujo manga, but the typical is still really good and way better than most normal people can do so..yeah.

Anyways, this is a definite must for shoujo lovers.
Faire un don


Nijiiro Days
Nijiiro Days
Auteur Mizuno, Minami