Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna review

Apr 02, 2021
NOTE: This is my personal opinion and should be understood as such.

Where to begin with this manga? Well, to say that this is a shounen manga is a joke, it's clearly shoujou-oriented, especially the art. The boys look like girls, the panels overlap and you have flowers and sparkles on every other page. The characters are two-dimensional and follow a clichéd formula (the protagonist who has an inferiority complex that stems from being compared to his brother; the goofy, disgustingly cute sidekick; the villains who seem evil at first but are actually misunderstood but you can't sympathize for them because they're complete d*cks). The mysteries are pitiful. When you've read the likes of Hercule Poirot, Sherlock Holmes and Edogawa Conan you expect more from a manga claiming to be Mystery. The "tricks" used are things even third graders could solve (nothing mind-boggling) and the logic followed by the characters is absolutely silly. And there's the staple of every bad manga: the attempt at being deep and psychological (and failing miserably at it). I had to drop this manga because I couldn't handle its stupidity. There's a possibility it could get better as it the story progresses but from my experience, that usually doesn't happen and I didn't want to risk a cerebral hemorrhage. If you're just looking for something to kill time with or like shoujou, read it. If not, stay away from this manga for your own sake.
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Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna
Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna
Auteur Shirodaira, Kyou