The One 's review

Mar 25, 2021
Okay, I admit it, I love The One but when it first came out and I read the beginning I quit of the 5th page. It was only after I have read everything else I wanted to when I decided to pick this up again.

Story: The story isn't that amazingly unique and original in terms of a girl being forced to go into the fashion industry and finding hardships and love on the way, etc. However, this type of story is usually very well received by the general population therefore the story should (and is) quite good. I gave it a 8 to balance out the good with the bad.

Art: Right, at first glance the art kind of turned me off. Maybe its because I don't enjoy the type of eyes and body that the mangaka uses but once you get into the story, it's much easier to ignore and/or grow to like it. I gave this a 10 even though I initially didn't like the art is because when the fashion industry part came in, the art turned absolutely SPLENDID! It's beautiful really and definitely worth a 10.

Character: Cane Lele is probably just like most other manga heroines. She's ditsy, clueless, hates something (in this case the fashion industry), denies that she loves someone (coughcoughyouknow!cough), etc, etc. But even with all the regular cliches, there are some quite enjoy parts to her character. You do end up sympathizing with her and you'll definitely laugh at her remarks and responses. This is simply because most girls (and not being sexist here, guys can read shoujo manga too but the MAJORITY is girls) will react in the same way as her. She's just one of the characters that you'll met along the way and like Lele, you'll also laugh and sympathize or maybe even hate the other characters as well.

Enjoyment: A definite 10. The humor in this manga is one of the best aspects. Lele's stupid clumsiness, Angus's brother-complex, the love hate relationships between Feihung and her "boytoy!" The list goes on and on. You'll laugh, cry and get angry throughout the whole story. That's the sign of a great manga.

Overall: 9. It's great but for something to be OUTSTANDING there has to be more. Right now, I've only read 37 (because it's not been finished translated yet) so I can't say for sure how the story goes after. I heard it's much better. If it is, I'll return to this review and rewrite to give it another shot.
Faire un don


The One
The One
Auteur Lee, Nicky