Hirunaka no Ryuusei 's review

Mar 25, 2021
I couldn't put this manga down. It was enjoyable, touching, and it pains me to read posts condemning its development and in particular, the character Mamura. The manga touched me at length to different depths - the difficulties of communicating to someone when your nerves are all jumbled up, the reality that love is oftentimes not easy nor mutual, the ability of friendship to make you feel understood, and of course Suzume's relatable love of food.

I just want to say one thing with this review and it's to set the record straight. Mamura is NOT a misogynist. I am sure Yamamori Mika had no intention of portraying him so.
He, at no point, has the intention of hurting other girls nor does he "hate" them. He does not make open remarks about other women and he does not slam them neither physically nor verbally.
Misogyny is an innate hate of women causing discrimination, abuse, or sexual objectification. Mamura does not commit any of those mentioned unsavoury acts. The only time he shows a "misogynist-like" reaction to other girls is when they touch him.
I believe he is simply reacting due to his gynophobia (fear of the opposite sex). Symptoms include increased heartrate, trembling, desire to flee - reasons for why he produces a freezing and blushing reaction. He masks this reaction by acting annoyed or rude to the girl who touched him.
Throughout the course of the manga and through his interactions with Suzume, this phobia decreases (kind of similar to cognitive behavioural therapy - he slowly subjects himself to more and more interactions with the opposite sex).

So please, don't call Mamura a misogynist. It can give the wrong idea to people - some people have social phobias and cannot help their reactions and it would be wrong to label them unjustly.

You don't have to like him. You don't have to like him coupled with Suzume ("Mazume"). You don't even have to like the manga, but please do not incorrectly label a misogynist.

On a personal level, this manga was enticing. I liked "Mazume". I am obsessed with the idea of a "daytime shooting star". Just the thought of it makes me excited. A love that is beautiful, bright, and with which everyday is full of smiles. That's what Hirunaka no Ryuusei represents.
Faire un don


Hirunaka no Ryuusei
Hirunaka no Ryuusei
Auteur Yamamori, Mika