Kimi ni Todoke 's review

Mar 26, 2021
The story is simple; awkward girl meets a little less awkward boy and they fall in love. But the girl is so socially awkward that its just hilarious.

Seriously though, the story is great. Sawako gaining friends and learning about other people is a pretty good core, but learning about everyone and what their troubles is one of the best things here. The romance is great, I love how diverse and different each relationshipdynamic is and yet how, they all just 'clicked'. 9/10 for story.

I'm not the best in terms of judging art, but i really love how it's drawn. It's clear and well-drawn, with some amazing details every once in a while. All the
characters were all very diverse as well, and you could easily tell them all apart. 10/10 for the art.

OK, so we have a main cast consisting of the MC(Sawako), the loveinterest(Kazehaya), the tomboy friend(Chizu), the bitchy friend(Ayane), the one that everybody knows(Ryu), the teacher(Pin), the blonde male loverival(Kent) and the alpha bitch(Kurumi).

I really loved Sawako. She is a pretty great main character and her character development was done subletely, but it was there, and when you look back at older chapters, you really can see how much she's changed, even if not in major areas, considering what the manga is all about its pretty great.

Kazehaya is honestly hilarious. Thats just my opinion. He is not really a funny guy, he is just hilarious in some situations. His relationship with Sawako is probably my favorite thing aboyt he whole manga. I really liked him, though after chapter 60-ish he starts to act a bit weird, and it kinda bothers me.

Chizu and Ayane are both amazing, they a re so different and i love it. Chizu has her problems with Ryu and Toru while Ayane tries to learn and love herself and fall in love.

Ryu is the silent one that is forgetful and always tired. He has a close friendship with Kazehaya and Chizu and is alwayd there for them. He is the one that is always honest and who provides a lot of comic relief. I really love Ryu, as well as his relationship with everyone in the show.

Pin is just one huge-ass troll. Either he is the most annoying on the planet or he gives some really great advice that really helps everyone out. I like him though. He's funny.

Ok, so i hate Kent in the anime BUT since im reviewing the manga where he gets a lot more character development and screentime, i have to say he is way to nice for his own good. He is kinda stupid(the blonde stereotype i guess) but on the other hand, he always helps people and really means it. I love him, he is such a little sweetheart, even though he can be kinda asshole-y sometimes without meaing to.

KURUMI! She is my favorite character. She is a bitch, manipulative, confident, hardworking and ambitious, and she is just wonderful. I love her development. I love her silent support and the way she accepted things and started becoming friends with Sawako.
9/10 on characters

I enjoyed this very much and im looking forward to teh next chapter now that im finally caught up on it. I would definantly recomend Kimi ni todoke. I love it so much, its probably my favorite shojo right after OHSHC. 10/10
Faire un don


Kimi ni Todoke
Kimi ni Todoke
Auteur Shiina, Karuho