Act-age 's review

Mar 25, 2021
Chapter 123 Edit*

Axed... NANI?... F*** me dead...

As a huge fan of this manga series (top 10 of my personal fav), I am utterly disappointed. This manga was supposed to be so promising... QQ

This manga demonstrates so many values and life lessons. But... BUT... BUT..., this author still can't control his own god damn hands...

Hopes the author rethinks his action after the incident.

On the other hand, I will look forward to the next manga series done by the illustrator and her team.


The only review before my own review was rated with a 5... For me, that person's rating is unforgiving because I truly enjoy each chapter of this manga. It has a huge potential to be a masterpiece.

Minor Spoiler:

Story: 9
The story concept itself is completely brand new and pretty interesting. The main protagonist, 夜凪 , was set to have a talent of making people feel that her acting is too real to be fake. While the director, 墨山, is set to have wide connections and somehow knows the way to develop and control the protagonist. While I am surprised regarding to how 夜凪 can be involved in some of the shows of movie screenings (the story progress rather fast in my opinion), the story transitions rather smoothly among chapters.

*Edit: What I love about the story of this manga is its "truthfulness" regarding the "realities" toward life, such as how we should:
1. face and feel about the "inevitable" death.
2. cope with the fierceness of competitions.
3. live out the purpose of life while it is ongoing.
4. embrace/accept the imperfect past to make it your personal strength/advantage.
5. realize that not all of us are the "stars", but rather, keep on grinding until you make it.
6. understand that we, and only ourselves, are our own enemy.
7. control the balance of expressing inner self and wearing social masks
The dialogues among characters aren't fillers. Usually, those dialogues have double meanings, and they often propel me to reflect and think about these themes.

Art: 9
If we judge on the depictions of the characters, they can be relatively simple. Yet, when we look at how the Mangaka was able to draw those emotions (since it is an acting manga), this art of the manga definitely deserves more than a 9 or 10. I really don't know why; but as a reader, I am drawn to the art of this manga.
Unfortunately, the background can be lackluster sometimes (using only lines or empty white background). So, that is why I give it a -1.

*Edit: The range change from 8-9 to 9 because the artist is improving chapter through chapter with his illustration of background and characters

Character: 9
Each character has his/her own goal and purpose. Their motivation or reason behind their actions are consistent. Thus, the creation of these characters deserve a high score. -1 because there can be times when I feel that some characters are unnecessary in the story (personal opinion, can be argued)

Enjoyment: 10
Whenever I see an update, I click to read. Easy 10. '

*Edit: still do after 40 chapters

Overall: 9.5
I have never read any manga that focuses on "Acting". I have read "Singing or Dancing" mangas, and this manga is pretty different from those. The plot is pretty fast-paced and doesn't have side stories. As a result, I feel a magnetic attraction toward this manga. I sincerely hope for the success of 夜凪 as she continues to evolve and develop. Another -0.5 for being compared to other legendary manga :)

If this manga continues to capture audiences such as me for more upcoming chapters. Becoming an Anime won't be a dream! :) I really have high hope for this manga.

* original chap 25-> chap 64-> edit chapter 123
Faire un don


Auteur Matsuki, Tatsuya