Hellsing 's review

Mar 27, 2021
Do you remember your first manga?

I remember. this manga was "Hellsing." I was a sixteen young man with fire in his eyes and an infinitely large heart. When I started reading manga I didn’t really like it ... ahh I was not prepared for the fact that the manga belongs to the nazi-exploitation trash genre. It took me a while to realize how cool it is.

Nazi vampires in bloody frenzy and all this is very smartly drawn, art at its best ... it's wow. it’s a manga pearl, a gold nugget for the genre with Nazi vampires in bloody fury.

This story is quite chamber, but at the same time, almost all the characters have complete arches. Serasu who goes from nineteen year old policewoman to draculin. Alucard with a specific love for human willpower, arrogance and strength, which during the whole title is tested for strength. The story a parliamentarian who sacrificed his life, the story of mercenaries and the others. The complete picture is made up of such small story arches ... The manga is really well written plot and read in one go.

if you are not afraid of bloody trash, then the manga is a must-have

maybe my reviews are not informative and no kidding, but f**k you, for the bad words sorry, although i in another city what are you doing to me? f**k you (kidding?)

if you find grammar and syntax errors, please let me know. I don't know much English, but I can't write otherwise.

Faire un don


Auteur Hirano, Kouta