Annarasumanara review

Apr 01, 2021
Ah, the one which I can't get out of my mind. Here comes the magician who'll make you believe he's got true magic, and then make you see he's fake, and then make you believe again. The characters (especially R) are developed in an unexpected way, they'll ruin the image of them which you've built in your mind. The main character R will make you a skeptic, just like how you'll doubt his magic. This is a piece worth reading. After discovering Annarasumanara, I rushed myself to see who the author is and tried his other works to hopefully feel again the magnificence I felt in this. Lastly, this series fall in the psychological genre- my favorite one- so it's a big check for people like me. Most people have already read this manhwa but for you who still haven't, go read this piece and you won't regret. Au revoir.
Faire un don


Auteur Ha, Il-Kwon