Tower of God review

Mar 25, 2021
Tower of God is not your ordinary Shounen. SIU, the author, has stated he doesn't want to tie Tower of God down to a single genre. The story-line and lore is comparable to Naruto Shippunden, it definitely deserves more praise.

I came from the anime, I watched it and loved it. There was quite a bit of content removed for the anime, some parts I wished weren't and some parts I agree with. How does a webtoon compare to normal manga,? the chapters (episodes) are longer. They're longer but are also not longer, the number of panels is similar to Shounen Jump manga but there is so much more text. A single chapter (episode) can give so much information, which is why ToG is so good for theory lovers like myself. It will take you longer to read than you first expect, I can read 100 manga chapters in a single day if I try. ToG has ~480 chapters yet it took me over a week to read completely.

The art of Season 1 is good but not great, Season 2 starts with very good art and it only improves from there. There are times when it's a bit hard to tell what's going on in a panel but for the most part it is very very high quality art. Almost every single chapter (episode) has panels that are background worthy.

The main critique of ToG is the numerous side arcs, there are a few side arcs that are quite lengthy. It gives me Hunter X Hunter vibes, if you like Hunter X Hunter then I think you'll love ToG. I do wish the story stayed more direct but I have always enjoyed every single arc, even if I started by hating the fact we had a side arc, I ended up very much enjoying the arc. The main issue is that we still know very little about FUG, Wolhaiksong, and the 10 Great family leaders. There are over 400 chapters, 07/29/20, so I wish we knew a lot more than has been revealed thus far.

The characters are done well and almost every major character has some interesting backstory that we can't wait to be developed more. Bam, the main character, has had a lot of development throughout the series. There have been times where he's turned a bit dark or times when he's been too good. His main development comes from his views on saving people, to save everyone or be selective. It makes him a very interesting character. Other characters, like Rachel, are an enigma. Rachel's character keeps conflicting with itself, not in an uncontrolled way that would be the mark of a bad writer, but rather in a very interesting way that makes you question her actions.

The power system is not easy to scale, it mostly comes down to who has the bigger and flashier attack. Despite this, our characters have made very clear and controlled progression throughout the series. Some are through training arcs and some are through emotion during fights, Bam also has a unique ability to copy almost any skill after seeing it once.

The story is always layered, every single arc will have multiple plot twists and developments. It can be tedious if you want the story to progress but it is always thoroughly enjoyed. The arcs flow well too, they almost never pop out of nowhere.

ToG is a story that will have you making theories for weeks, there is so much mystery in the series and it only layers more on. The entire world itself is fascinating, it definitely sets itself apart from other shounen. The lore is very expansive, there is so much we are yet to learn that could change everything we know.

Currently, 07/29/20, ToG is on an indefinite hiatus due to the author's health. I wish SIU a speedy and full recovery.
Faire un don


Tower of God
Tower of God
Auteur SIU