Bleach review

Apr 04, 2021
I don't understand why so many people give Bleach such bad reviews.

YES, it is true that Bleach has lost its way. It has been taken over by filler episodes, arcs, and movies(but I love the movies anyway)
BUT, that does not make Bleach a bad manga(or anime) overall! Bleach has a great story and great characters. But it has been pushed too far. WAY, too far.

Bleach starts out with a good story and keeps it good until way too many fillers and arcs come in. I really lost the point of Bleach. The story became such a blur. But, I am not going to give it a bad rating because Bleach is truly a great manga(and anime). Just skip the fillers if you like to get right to the jist of things.

Boy oh boy. The art. In the beginning volumes of Bleach, I will just say the art was rather...bad. Not horrendous or anything, but, it wasn't great either. But look at Attack on Titan; such an amazing anime/manga but the art in the manga sucks, and still sucks at this point in time. But BOTH have improved amazingly. When a manga has a great story, art doesn't matter. Walk before you can run! Therefore, art gets an 8/10!

There are so many enjoyable characters in Bleach...Yoruichi, Rangiku, Urahara, Kenpachi, Renji, 'em all! Some people say Bleach has crappy characters and I'd like to know where that came from...but whatever. 10/10!

With all the random fillers, I can only give my enjoyment for Bleach a rating of 9/10. I'd like to give a 10/10, but, man, THOSE FILLERS!!!!

Basically, Bleach is a great read(and watch). It looses its way and has been pushed beyond the farthest reaches of the universe, but, I would recommend this to anyone who hasn't already read/watched Bleach...(slim pickins' der)
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Auteur Kubo, Tite