Toriko review

Apr 04, 2021
Toriko is one of the best ongoing shonen manga. Many people disregard this series as typical shonen because they think it's just about cooking or have watched the awful anime series.But in reality,this is a top-tier shonen

The driving force behind the series is the immense world building and intense fights.There are rarely any asspull with characters relying on strategy and their immense strength.Unlike the anime,the fights are very gory with limbs flying off and characters not giving a shit pf whatever happens to them.Cool shit happens.The COOKING FESTIVAL arc is one of the best shonen arcs of all time with many people comparing it to the great MARINEFORD arc in One Piece.Although,Cooking Festival was slight better because of the fights

The GOURMET WORLD in Toriko straight up lives up to the hype the author created in the series.With wild beasts being as big as one huge mountain.The readers are always kept at the edge of their seat.

The characters are bit of a let down in the series.I still haven't found myself attached to any of the major characters but that doesn't stop me from loving this series

If you love ONE PIECE or HUNTER x HUNTER, you should definitely give this series a try.This is truly one of the gems of the shonen genre.

PLEASE AVOID THE ANIME,coz TOEIpieceofshit censored a lot of fights and made majors changes in the original story.

Hope you enjoy the greatness that is TORIKO
Faire un don


Auteur Shimabukuro, Mitsutoshi