Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou review

Apr 03, 2021
If you are just reading this to learn how much of the manga that was adapted into the anime I can tell you it was the first 6 books (26 chapters) and there are no major changes between the anime and the books. Now onto the review.

Some might see me giving Monster Musume an overall score of 5/10 as meaning that I think it is a bad manga. This is not the case. To me 5/10 means that is was a fine read but not a manga I would read again and I can't see myself recommending it to a friend.

The art is in my opinion the best part of Monster Musume and is responsible for it never becomming a boring read. The bacgrounds never stood out but the characters and their expressions and reactions are well drawn. The girls are espetially beautifully drawn and even though the scenes from time to time becomes very sexual it never becomes vulgar though it does come close a few times. So 8/10

The story (or lack thereof) is my main issue with this manga. For a story to be a story there has to be some form of progression otherwise it is simply a 'setting'. And that is what Monster Musume is, a setting. after the last of the girls have moved in the story ends, anything after that has more or less no lasting influence on the characters or the overall plot of the manga. I like the setting but I would also like a story to come with it. The humor also becomes very repetitive as a result of this. So 2/10

The female main characters of Monster Musume are more rounded persons and less tropes than you see in other ecchi harem mangas. They do however suffer from the lack of story progression which means that there are little to no character growth after the girls introduction arc. If anything the girls become more and more two dimensional as the manga progresses and their most dominant personality trait is the only trait that is shown due to less time dedicated to each character. So 4/10
The male protagonist is a two dimensional character with no defining features. Despite being and adult and having beautiful women throwing themselves at him his main response to the thought of sex is shock and fear. He is the worst part of this manga but I also dislike the 'weak male protagonist' trope. So 1/10

Overall is Monster Musume for you if you don't like to read much and like the setting of horny monster girls living with a man who seams to be afraid of the thought of having sex.
Faire un don


Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
Auteur Inui, Takemaru