Shamo review

Apr 03, 2021
Shamo was a lot of 'firsts" for me: First manga i read all the way trough,first "politically incorrect" manga i ever read,first "trully evil" protagonist i ever saw (light yagami doesn't count,he tought he was making "justice'). Seeing ryu's "dark evolution",from a killer in juvenile prison to a violent thug and eventually a professional MMA fighter was great. But,do a favor to yourself and stop reading when the sugawara arc ends. Anything beyond that can just be called a "clusterfu#k of ideas with no relation to each other".

Aparently the people responsible for the manga were passing trough some juridical tribulation regarding copyright ownership and it definitelly shows. The plot completelly loses its track after sugawara saga,even to the point of shoving KI powers and kung fu mysticism that is never mentioned again.

The last arc is what can only be called "michael bay-ish".Car chases,explosions and whatnot....but in the end,the antagonists were way too silly and completelly unrelated for this manga and the single atempt to give them a single remnant of 'depht"was cut short by its sudden and unsatisfactory ending.

To this day i search for news about manga regarding a possible return for a proper ending to be made. But,as it is,its like delicious cake filled with s#it.Just stick with top of the cake,the frosty,the upper layers,etc. Don't go all the way to find the shit.
Faire un don


Auteur Tanaka, Akio