Soredemo Boku wa Kimi ga Suki review

Apr 03, 2021
Serizawa got through puberty to adulthood and bumped against decisions and problems along the way that were somewhat quite difficult to resolve or didn't even have a solution at all. This reflects a lot of the difficulties we all have went through, maybe not it the same way as the protagonist but something in the same area.

To not decide things properly and try not hurt others may go in a different way that you expected.
Like some girls told Serizawa that he was selfish and just thinks of himself, he lied just to not get in trouble and did indeed being selfish against others.

What I saw so special about this manga was that I managed to see and feel the grow of Serizawa thoughts about what to do in certain situations and seeing him go around his way forward without tripping on the edges knowing what he have done in the past. Taking decisions with the unexpected outcome and realising about it after is one thing that gave me a strange feel that got me realise some situations I gent through. Getting to the point I felt like my past was reflecting on the protagonist life (not the same way he got it but in a similar way) and got me realise a couple of things that not only did me feel bad but kind of got me accepting them.

For the story I really liked the grow of the characters and how the rest was build up. Maybe it should be better to know what happened to the other characters and their futures? Well im just curious.

The art was the first thing that hook me up with the manga, I really don't have any complains about it really. Didn't got uncomfortable by it like some other mangas. You could tell what the characters felt by their expressions

As I said about the story, I liked the grow of the characters and the change of their emotions too. showing the perspective of the other people not just the protagonist was a big 10/11 I love this set up for a manga.

Not gonna say that I enjoyed it the hole time but it got me feel a lot of emotions that you don't feel normally or haven't feel it in a while.

For the rest of everything else I really liked I found something I can help understand myself and realise things about me that I didn't thought of before, something like looking your own story in a book and look it from another perspective.

I don't normally give any reviews of something because I always been afraid of making mistakes and having difficulties to express what I am thinking resulting in taking the easy way and not do nothing. This made me change a little bit and gave me the courage to start somewhere. Just a step at the time and make small differences, tomorrow you will be a step further that you where yesterday and so on.

Hope that you that read this try to make a move and give it a try on something like me doing this review.
Faire un don


Soredemo Boku wa Kimi ga Suki
Soredemo Boku wa Kimi ga Suki
Auteur Emoto, Nao