Iya na Kao sare nagara Opantsu Misete Moraitai: Yo wa Pantsu ga Mitai zo review

Apr 03, 2021
Hey you're reading this review. Welcome.

You know what this story is about its an autist discovering punani for the first time. Chances are if you are reading this you are also autistic but the good kind. You dont make noises when you hear a bus run by, you just have the god hand ability of ignoring the doggiedoo mainstream media. No worries you are in good company.

This manga recreates the feelings of ur first boner. It's not a sexual thing, its a primal urge to recreate. It's the biological imperative. It isn't a dirty thing. You just want to see some panties. You aren't a weird gay freak molested by your teacher. You're a guy. You want to see some butthole. The main character is your avatar.

The thing this manga does great is it doesnt give you the reward right away, instead it builds, it gives you a story about whose coochi you are about to witness, it gives you every beat you need to know this is actually a good girl. Then it presents a challenge to the MC that overcomes it with his autistic powers. It boils down getting some poonani into a physics equation that us autists are going to murder. This manga is basically TWGOK without any of the gay stuff.

Its a fun ride and very based would recommend.
Faire un don
