Crying Freeman review

Apr 05, 2021
I cannot say if one should like or dislike Crying Freeman, this title starts out with such great potential but ends up being a pile of swill. In fact if Crying Freeman began and ended with the first story arc, then I would say it was a manga classic that all should read. From this great high point does this title fall, and fall hard it does right into a murky pit of crud.

The story its self starts out semi-realistic, it’s not crazy or over the top for this genre of story, but slowly the inclusion of crazier and silly elements are added making it feel slitted. One can tell the author must have been looking though a murky puddle of muck as the story ends up going no where and seems rather piecemealed together. The characters are also a disjointed mess. Some are refreshing and interesting, while others are painfully irritating.

The art here stands out here as a strong point as it features the wonderful line work of Ryoichi Ikegami. Who’s style is much more realistic then the manga norm, which features a lot of detail and cross hatching. This is one of this older works so the art is a bit dated by today’s standards but still comes though very well.

I enjoyed Crying Freeman but over time less and less so. The first story arc is stand out piece of work but by the third arc the story just seem silly and ridiculous. I enjoyed the first story arc so much though, that I would at least say I over all enjoyed the story.

I’d say it is at least worth picking up the first volume of Crying Freeman for the first story arc, as that story is a stand out piece in the mobster genre.
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Crying Freeman
Crying Freeman
Auteur Ikegami, Ryoichi