Hot Gimmick review

Apr 06, 2021
I've never written a review before. I can't say I've read all the manga or seen all the anime, but I've read my fair share of manga. However, I've never written a review before. Well, Hot Gimmick made me feel an emotion extreme enough to write a review. And I've never done that before.

It's horrible. I hate it. There are no "bad guys" but all the characters are horrible people. *SPOILER* The main character is in an abusive relationship. I've seen couples, I've been a part of a couple, and I loath girls who date guys that treat them like shit. Yes, I hate those guys, too, but they only act that way 'cause there are no consequences for their actions. I'm not saying that all girls should date fat geeks with glasses 'cause they'd 'treat them better', but that's reality and this is a manga. There are no ugly people in this world. Absolutely everybody but the guy the main character is dating and his mom treat her with the utmost care. Well, her childhood friend tried to have her raped. The author still tries to redeem his character, though. Remember what I said about there not being any "bad guys"? He goddamn tried to rape her just to piss somebody else off. But he's not a bad guy. Her boyfriend, who blackmailed her, physically abuses her, verbally abuses her, is not ashamed at all of the fact that he cares about himself and only himself, isn't a "bad guy" 'cause he 'only wants to do it with [her]'. Like not screwing the girl his mom picked out for him redeems him. There are, of course, characters who seem to genuinely care about the main character, but she stays with the guy who hits her? Who actually thinks her only purpose in life is to be his personal slave? *SPOILER* there's no nudity in this manga, so if you're looking for some freaky S&M doujinshi this isn't it. It's the story about a horrible person, surrounded by horrible people in an average world and the author tries to make bullies and corrupt rich people look like knights in shining armor. If s guy like Ryoki Yachibanan existed in real life, he's get the shit kicked out of him trying to rape the neighbor girl, I don't care who him mom is. And you'd think that she, and I know this is gonna come out of left field, might not want to continue dating dating someone who constantly beats her up. It's not a dystopian society, so there's no call for it.

It's just a really, really bad manga. I kept reading it, thinking the payoff would be so sweet when she finally dumps the asshole and starts seeing someone else, anyone else, but no, the guy forces her back into an abusive relationship, and she just cries and goes with him because "I can't help I love him". She doesn't, by the way. Being the main characters, we see her perspective often, and he terrifies her. I can't stress enough how bad of a person he is, and yet, she's worse, because she let's him be a bad guy.
Faire un don


Hot Gimmick
Hot Gimmick
Auteur Aihara, Miki