Rouge Noir review

Apr 07, 2021
The story and Enjoyment was fair

The Art was excellent

Characters are poor

1. One student was making Ayane misserable.
2. Kyo rape Ayane and then turns out she loves him?
3. Ayane's fiance was cheating on her
4. The headmaster was bribed by the Student's parents (WTF).
5. The headmaster was shipping Ayane to another school cause she was in a relationship with Kyo (did they mention he was 20 years old and is a Sensei?)
6. Kyo went to the university for Teacher or Mechanics? (Confusing part there)

Over all I give it 3

It matters to listen to another person's Opinions~
Faire un don


Rouge Noir
Rouge Noir
Auteur Mizutani, Kyoko