Dokuro review

Apr 08, 2021
Dokuro is a mature character study about the dehumanizing effects a negative influence has on the person, like narcotics an intrusive doctrine can offer greatness and salvation- KILLER GRANNIES!

just kidding this story is nowhere near close to good. If you see this as a comedy you'll have a great time with the goofy brutalities, the laughable predictable archetypes, the ridiculously unrealistic acrobatics... and of course the worst, most immersion breakingly bad weapon of all times.


seriously how?! it doesn't have a jet propulsiony thingy! I mean... you could at least make a half-assed attempt to justify it's propulsion-ness! but no, it wouldn't look cool if there was a gas canister in bland jesus-kun 3000's arm. no, gravity and physics itself must bend to accommodate his aesthetic.

you might be wondering why I'm on about such a little detail but he uses that weapon ALL THE TIME! and the author really wants you to appreciate the weapon in all of it's goofy glory... he pans to it dozens of times... it gets really alienating after a while so... it's not just nitpicking...

(imagine if in star wars they grabbed the lightsabres by the laser part... it's that bad)

it's not like there isn't anything to like about anti-religion empowerment fantasy the manga... I really enjoyed the themes in the flashbacks showing the allure of (albeit admittedly over the top) religion when you are at your weakest, or most unhappy... the delusion of being granted catharsis by doing actions for the church and not doing things for yourself. the intrinsically constricting nature of scripture and rules... but all that get's over shadowed by KILLER GRANNIES, RIDICULOUS ACROBATICS, IMPLAUSIBLE WEAPONS, GOOFY FATALITIES etc. etc.

I ate bread with more personality than these characters. forgettable archetypes. MOVE ON.

In summary: it's like watching a ridiculous 80's Schwarzenegger film but with religion as the flavor. could be better if it wasn't so cheesy and predictable... actually... no this script is basically unsalvageable... NEXT

P.S the art's alright... nothing special... just alright.


Faire un don


Auteur Saruwatari, Tetsuya