Pluto review

Apr 02, 2021
Can robots make mistakes even though they are not programmed too.
Thats one of many questions pluto goes in too.

This Story simply said: Pluto is about the mystery behind the deaths of the most highly intelligent robots and their creators.

Story: 10
The mystery in Pluto is great. As we get more revealed about the crimes, the more questions arise. its not like everything gets revealed and thats it. No the Mystery remains untiil the very end. How Urasawa present his story is very unique and everything is somehow woven together. there is nothing wasted in pluto. One of my favorite parts is the whole part with North nr.2. it was simple yet touching and heartwarming.

Every character is in their own wy interisting and well characterised. Even the robots feel alive. My favorites are Uran and Atom.

Art: 7
The arts isn't really special but good enough. the panels in each chapter are well pased and there is never a moment where i felt it was dragging. it was always thrilling and enjoyable.

I really enjoyed Plutp. The mystery was great and there was always this whiff of suspense throughout the whole story.

Overall, Pluto gets a 9/10
Faire un don


Auteur Urasawa, Naoki