Harapeko no Marie review

Apr 11, 2021
First things first I love this manga, I believe that it not only is enjoyable but shows a great deal of promise.

Now for a more detailed analysis:
The story sets up a potential to be both relatively deep but still interesting (however as it has 18 chapters as of this review I can say no more) (6/10)

Art: The art is somewhat bombastic, dynamic and stylised, with the character designs constantly shifting for different purposes in different panels (i.e. comedy). This aids greatly to the comedy and can actually aid to the understanding of characters through visual expressions and is a great strength, however if you do not appreciate the art then that will take a lot away from your enjoyment of the manga. (7/10)

Characters: I believe that the characters in this series are good, but not for the normal reasons I look for. Rather than each character being intricate, deep and complicated by themselves I think that they thrive the most from how they bounce off of each other. In other words the series prefers to have each character being individually simple as to put more emphasis on the interactions between each characters instead. Since the amount of characters is so large for such a short manga (so far) I have to say that I much prefer this approach as there seems to be a never ending amount of new people to bounce off of each other for interesting interactions. (8/10)

Enjoyment: This series made me laugh several times and the nonsensical nature of the series and the courage to go on random tangents for the sake of comedy is a major plus. The comedy is very much visual and therefore translates better than most punchline comedy. However comedy is subjective and it varies so take that in mind. (10/10)

And overall I would have to say for all those that enjoyed Beelzebub that they will enjoy this and basically is drawn in by the art tends to enjoy it thoroughly. If I have to say one thing to be wary about is that it is publishing in JUMP and I personally think that they force series to do things for short term benefits and often either cut them off or cause some others to take paths which detract from the appeal of the series. (8/10)
Hope you enjoy : ]
Faire un don


Harapeko no Marie
Harapeko no Marie
Auteur Tamura, Ryuuhei