Propeller Heaven review

Apr 13, 2021
Hitoshi Tomizawa writes weird stuff, be warned! This is pure weirdness. But it isn't without plot or intelligence, it's calculated and makes sense by the end. No gore or nastiness, it still packs quite a visual and emotional wallop.
His art is simple but the story is twisting and twisted at the same time. You'll have many "what the heck!" moments along the way, bear with it, there is an explanation by the end, it all makes sense. Well, as much sense as Tomizawa stories ever do!
I liked it quite a bit. Far from perfect, it is... different! So if (like me) you complain that 'mangas are all alike these days' then here is the cure for you!
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Propeller Heaven
Propeller Heaven
Auteur Tomizawa, Hitoshi