100% Pascal-sensei review

Apr 14, 2021
Nagai Yuuji's last Manga series he created "Penguin's trouble" was way better than this.

Drawings and stories and characters are really good but this manga is missing one MAIN thing its not funny as Penguins trouble.

Most of the gags are predictable in Pascal sensei but in penguins trouble or other gag mangas most of the gags are not really predictable so thats what makes other mangas funny.Pascal sensei's gags are a bit funny but not funny as laughable.

At the end I don't suggest buying this manga just watch the anime because the manga isn't really funny. Anime is a bit more funnier but not as much as laughable.
Faire un don


100% Pascal-sensei
100% Pascal-sensei
Auteur Nagai, Yuuji