Bijo ga Yajuu review

Apr 05, 2021
I knew the moment I finished this series that everyone else would not love it as much as I do (isn’t that obvious from the other reviews?)

Story: 8

What’s the story to this book you ask? Well, just read the synopsis up there and there you go. That’s right. It’s the adventures of Eimi as she goes through her life in the dorms. But I will warn you ahead, the synopsis is a little misleading. More on that later. Now, every story has a goal. What’s this manga’s goal? Really, it’s just Eimi living in the female dorms of her school. That’s it. They're pretty episodic. But the adventures are hilarious and I did find myself entertained by them—such as the first “adventure” of this series: Eimi’s initiation into the dormitory life…which is how her “romantic adventures” begin.

Art: 7

It’s decent, but there are times when it feels empty. There’s not much shading going on and the backgrounds are there, but again with that empty feeling of “there could’ve been more details”.

Character: 8

Eimi’s the gluttonous, dense, airheaded girl. Is she a Mary Sue? I don’t believe so. Why? Because she’s an idiot. Mary Sues like to believe they’re smart, but Eimi’s just a plain idiot who attracts you to her idiocy. She’s a lovable idiot. I usually don’t like stupid characters, but for some reason, I like Eimi. Her idiotic character is done well, and I’m not being sarcastic here.

Eimi’s surrounded by her fellow dorm people, and the girls are hilarious. You won’t find any typical shoujo girls here. When we run out of hot water in the dorm, you best believe we’re throwing a freaking riot up in here!

Now, who exactly is Eimi’s love interest? He’s the beast spoken about in the title: Wanichin (that’s actually Eimi’s nickname for him and that’s how I remember him. See? She just pulls you into her idiocy). Wanichin is, I guess you can say, the bad boy. He smokes, has a rocking body, sneaks out of the boys’ dorm late at night, breaks the dorm rules of having a part-time job, and he dates older women. He might not seem likeable at first, but he’s surprisingly not a jerk and a mature guy. His maturity helps to balance out Eimi’s childishness, which brings me to my next point…

(In replacement of Enjoyment…) Romance: 9

Now here’s where the story really shines for me.

Remember how I said the synopsis of Bijo ha Yajuu misleads the readers? I quote, “exciting romantic adventures”. They got the exciting part down (sort of) along with the adventures. But the word romantic can be strewn about differently depending on the reader. Romantic doesn’t necessarily mean romantic love, but romantic passion, like something you’re passionate about. Yet, even that doesn’t fully cover the “romantic” aspect of Bijo ha Yajuu because this series is a pretty light and fluffy manga. The only person who carries something heavy on their shoulders is Wanichin (and that should be obvious since something had to have happened to him to make him go bad boy mode).

So how’s the romance you ask? I’m sorry to tell you that you may be disappointed. The romance is subtle but it’s not simply implied. It’s definitely there, but to some readers, it won’t be enough because (SPOILER ALERT?)

They never actually say “I love you” out loud. But there were plenty of other romantic things that happened in the manga for it to be considered romance and the two of them are an item as well. Believe me, they are. Though some people don’t like it when it’s not bluntly stated aloud for the readers, I believe Tomo Matsumoto does the romance well in this manga. The romance in here is way more romantic than most shoujo I’ve read because you can actually see the bond forming between Eimi and Wanichin through their interactions together.

Also, there’s one scene in the manga—which I won’t spoil and tell you what exactly happened—that involves a yellow wallet and it’s BY FAR one of the most romantic things I’ve read in manga ever. To me, that scene was way more romantic than typical clichéd scenes where a guy and a girl declare their undying love for each other and finally kiss after chapters and chapters of playing hard-tsudere-to-get because the yellow wallet held more meaning to it and the context that it’s given in just makes you feel giddy and declare, “Yup. This is romance alright.” There’s also some dialogue after that scene that just made me outright fangirl scream. You know? “Kya~!”

Of course there’s a little struggle between their relationship since Wanichin’s actually already in one with an older woman and of course, someone like Eimi is bound to attract the attention of some other guy *hint hint.

Overall: 8

I can proudly say I thoroughly enjoyed this manga. There’s humor and it’s light and fluffy most of the time. Of course, this is a slow romance, and the romance builds up towards the end. The rest of the manga are Eimi’s adventures in her dorm life and there are also some side stories thrown in there involving Eimi’s friends (and their romantic adventures) and Wanichin’s past.

Now, will you enjoy this manga? Maybe. Will you think like me, “This is one of the most memorable manga I’ve ever read!”? Most likely no. But it doesn’t hurt to give it a try. Besides, this manga’s only 5 volumes long.

As a fan, I wished there could’ve been more, but I’ve grown to become accustomed to it and accept the fact that there will be no more Eimi and Wanichin…because I’m mature like that.

Faire un don


Bijo ga Yajuu
Bijo ga Yajuu
Auteur Matsumoto, Tomo