Berserk review

Mar 25, 2021
Where do I even begin... Berserk is a hero to manga as a whole. It is where the bar lies; there is simply nothing else out there that surpasses it. Every other panel belongs in a museum. Kentaru Miura is a borderline DEMIGOD when it comes to storytelling and art.

Seriously, if you had 1 last thing to do before you died, you would want it to be to read Berserk. It is truly otherworldly. JUST WOW. You are missing out if you haven't read every last chapter, even if you've seen the animes. Words cannot describe fam.

Let us pause for a moment and reflect - what exactly are you doing with your life? Well stop. Just stop what you're doing right now, and go read this legendary legend among legends.

Oh, you've already seen the animes? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHHHAHHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHHAHAHAH. NO. YOU HAVEN'T SEEN SHIT. THE MANGA IS 1000000000000000000000000000*error error there is not a number big enough* TIMES BETTER THAN THE ANIMES (though the first season from the 90's is definitely worth a watch, since the studio who made it actually knew what they were doing). But quite frankly, there is just no reason to NOT experience BERSERK in it's most pure and untainted form.

Please... this is actually you from the future trying to give your younger self some serious advice. Go read Berserk. Go breathe Berserk. Go eat Berserk. Go sleep Berserk. Life is too short to do otherwise.
Faire un don


Auteur Miura, Kentarou