Beastars review

Mar 31, 2021
I have never been so shellshocked by an ending since Magi. Why? Because both the endings have been total ASS. I've been putting off my review as I digested my emotions.

Beastars was my underdog pick when it came to that next "sleeper" hit. I knew due to its subject matter (anthropomorphic animals), it probably wouldn't have become something as big as a regular shounen series. It comfortably sat in this niche that was neither superbly mainstream nor was it unpopular. Initially, I had highly recommended the series to many of my buddies due to its excellent art, interesting characters, and what I found to be absolutely stellar world building.

The world of Beastars is so charming and dynamic. The history and lore teased briefly in the few chapters always had me curious for the entire history. How did the Beastars come about? What exactly is the sea world like? How's life outside the main city? I've never been as enamoured with a world and I could only compare such passionate curiosity with the world of One Piece.

Yet, it ended on such a weird, whimper of a note. Beastars ended with so many questions left unanswered and a world left completely unexplored. It was such a wasted opportunity that I can only imagine that the author has found themselves burnt out of the creative process and had axed the series themselves. Beastars...such an unfortunate finale for what could have been one of the classics. This will be a series I've find myself thinking about for a while and I keep shaking my head at "what could've been".

All in all, I'd read if you're curious but just mentally prepare yourself for the inevitable: "Really? That's it?"

Because yeah, really. That's it.
Faire un don


Auteur Itagaki, Paru