Beastars review

Mar 31, 2021
I first got into Beastars by watching the anime. I had known about the series for a long time, but I was put of by the idea that this was just some show that panders to furries. After watching the anime I was positively surprised to learn that that was not necessarily the case and it had a genuinely strong setting and cool ideas.
After watching the anime I was intrigued to find out more about where it would go and that's when I started reading the manga. At this point my feelings about the show started to get more complicated. It has a lot of things to like, but also a lot of things it doesn't do as well. The first of which being:

Story 5/10

The story flow of Beastars is not that great. It feels like it just goes all over the place. Plot points are put on the backburner for a long time or just abandoned completely to focus on something entirely different. The series tries to juggle a lot of different genres which could work in theory, but it just isn't executed very well. It feels like a lot of it is written on the go (which the mangaka has admitted to in multiple interviews).
There is a point in the manga where the setting and story take a drastic change (Those familiar will probably know what I'm talking about) and while I like some of the new characters that were introduced, the story just never hit as hard for me since the change.

Art 7/10

The art is pretty good. It is by no means a masterpiece, but the mangaka has done a great job of portraying each and every animal and it has some amazing panels that just made me go: "Damn this is cool." I also love the chibi reactions of some of the characters to highlight a comedic moment. Especially Haru's reactions are great.

Character 8/10

So the story isn't focussed enough and it actually gets worse as you go. It is not all bad though. There is a reason I read so much of it and that reason is the characters. I love how unique their personalities are, especially of the main trio: Legosi, Louis and Haru. They all have multiple layers and a touching past that makes them really likeable.
The side characters are done really well too. No one is evil for the sake of being evil. Everyone struggles with their own inner demons and this made me sympathise with some characters that did pretty messed up stuff.
To get a little negative again, I do feel like some changes these characters went through didn't really feel earned to me. Characters would change their mind in like two chapters and there is an instance where a main character throws away all the development he got over the past arc. Things like these are pretty frustrating and take you out of the experience.

Enjoyement 7/10

As you can probably tell, I have a lot of conflicting feelings about Beastars. The characters and the setting (something I didn't go into a lot of detail of, but it's really interesting) are really cool, but the way the story was told could have been a lot better. I can honestly say that I enjoyed this series a lot when I was reading it, and there definitely are some great hard hitting and emotional moments.
I don't know if I will finish it though to be honest. It was kinda losing me at the 150 chapter mark because I didn't care for the current story and some characters just did some things that didn't feel right.

Faire un don


Auteur Itagaki, Paru