Banana Fish review

Apr 02, 2021
this is my first review so don't be too hard on me. The only reason why i found out bout this was i heard it was being adapted in the summer of 2018.

[Story] 10
The story is amazing. There no fillers no unnecessary yaoi just you reading about the characters story and what happens next.The Plot has this beautiful flow to and keeps you hooked no matter what.

[Art] 8

The art has this nostalgic 80's vibe,very clean and simple. Its adds the feeling that this is happening in the 80s in New York. The only problem with the art is that some the characters look the same. The same mustache, same facial features, and etc. but other than the fact that some characters look the same to me the art is amazing.

The Characters are the best part along with the plot. Ash inst the only main character its depends on the situation that takes place. Its crazy how much you feel for the characters and the feeling of knowing them. You get see the main character even the side characters have a enormous amount of character development and you start to understand why characters do what they do why they act the way they act.


Overall this has quickly wormed its way into my heart and quickly ripped it out as fast as it claimed it. The story, the plot, the art ,and everything is just amazing.This is my new favorite manga and needs more praise and attention.
Faire un don


Banana Fish
Banana Fish
Auteur Yoshida, Akimi