Watashi ga Motete Dousunda review

Apr 03, 2021
A high school fujoshi - Serinuma Kae - is hit with a tragedy in her favourite anime, and so loses a lot of weight and become super hot, thus attracting the attention of four guys and one girl.

Verrrry shallow premise... but the first half of the story is actually pretty compelling, if very fatphobic.. Kae is someone who just does not give a flying DAMN about her weight, and is out here living her best life loving anime and watching BL, and I'm all for it. She's living the life I wanna live.

Then she approached by these people who are suddenly super into her because she dropped a whole lotta weight and is suddenly super attractive.. not the rep we were hoping for when it came to bigger women.. That said, I really liked up to the point before she chose who she actually liked of the five (she chose the one I shipped her with so victory to me).

The mangaka took care to show that while initially their reasons were shallow (well 3/5 of them anyway), each of them fell in love with Kae for her character, and found her interesting as a person, and not just as a pretty face.. and also while not understanding her otaku/fujoshi hobbies, still tried their best to support her (even if it resulted in her imagining them in various BL situations) and accept her, though it can be argued in the beginning was them trying to win her favour...

You get very frustrated with Kae right after she chooses who she chooses (or at least I did) but she kinda comes back from it…mainly because the person she chose is super cute and sweet about everything (again I'm biased bc it was my ship).

That's really the best part of the story..the fact that all these characters who would have otherwise NEVER hung out together, are united in their feelings for Kae, but themselves become really good friends. When Kae finally makes her choice, the SUPPORT! Even after getting rejected, they all took it so well, and I loved that whole scene. Even by the end of the story, they were all still good friends, even if they'd gone their separate ways, and showed up when it was important.

So yeah character relationships were great even if the story and the depth of the characters were relatively average.
Faire un don


Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
Auteur Junko