Waltz review

Apr 13, 2021
Interesting concept. Not enough material to execute it.

Similar to other Oshimi Shuzo works, Waltz follows a depressed teenager going through the motions of a dull life. That is until Onaga befriends a peer that is "strange" in a way that excites them. In this case, the peculiar behavior is a boy cross dressing as a girl. Onaga then lives vicariously through this figure, giving away her old clothes and doing their makeup. Admiring their ability to be free with themselves, while Onaga lives in constant suppression of herself.

If only this were more than 40 pages....the concept is merely introduced, not explored to any degree of satisfaction. Unfortunate considering the potential here to discuss topics of gender and sexual identity without the rampant fetishization that exists elsewhere in the medium. That said, this is still worth reading if you just can't get enough Shuzo and aim to be a completionist, as was the case for me.
Faire un don


Auteur Osuga, Megumi