Violence Jack review

Apr 05, 2021
Hello everyone, my second try of posting this review cause my internet/keyboard for some reason trolled me and freaking erased my text... So here i am one day later after reading other stuff to relax and also after a party, so expect me to be quite excited about that review. OK, enough with the bullsh**, let's get to the very point, that is VIOLENCE JACK, i absolutely love Go Nagai's view of horror and the way he tells this kind of story, that is the main reason he is one my favorite authors of all time and in that work his artstyle evolved a lot, it is really good to look at, especially in the full page panels,i will write a quick NON-SPOILERS review, cause like i always say in my reviews, i like to see people dive fresh into stories, with only the minor knowledge to lead them into it and help them absorb as much as they can. The story takes place in a post-apocaliptcal wasteland in japan, after a terrible earthquake destroied the land, the scenario in really similar to fist of the north star, but as Jack came before Hokuto, i believe it surved as a inspiration for Hokuto, and just a nice fact for you guys, Violence Jack, especially the protagonist heavily influenced Kentaro Miura on the creation of the Berserk universe and also on the creation of Guts, but ok, back to VJ, in the middle of that wasteland, some people are trying to survive peacefully and rebuild society, while others, with wicked, twisted and vile minds just want to be agents of chaos and tear apart what is left of the mankind, so expect cruelsome villains, rapers, serial killers, demonic beings that shock even the most brave ones, but, in response to these villains, he comes from the shadows, from the black hearts of the same men who created him, with the voice of silence and a mission of justice(Sting reference yall wrestling fans!) comes Jack, he carries a gigantic jackknife that looks more like a manchete, so they call him violence jack, he has a minor moral code to keep his journey in the right way and not became just a killer machine, he is one of the best protagonists EVER, stand out of the majority of protagonists, cause he responds the violence with even more violence, there aint no "take this as a lesson and stop being evil" Jack knows he is in a land where there is no hope left, the people doing bad stuff are doing this cause they are psychos, they have pleasure in it, so he responds them equaly, but he is not only rage and violence, Jack shows a kind side(in his own manner) especially with child, showing he is not a agent of chaos, but kind of a demon with a golden heart(reminds you of something doenst it ? the ending will get you guys, so read it)And with that i finish my review, give that manga a chance, sometimes in the middle the story gets a little weird but the ending is totally worth it, i really hope netflix gives Violence Jack a adaptation like they made with devilman, or even a crossover with new animation and a good treatment would suit, this series deserves some love, lets see what the future holds for our friend Jack !
Faire un don


Violence Jack
Violence Jack
Auteur Nagai, Go