Taiyou no Ie review

Mar 27, 2021
Personal Rate: 8
Overall Rate based on the different criteria: 8.5 rounded up to 9

Typical shoujo manga that won't change the world but with great art and likable characters. Basically it ends up in the category I call "comfort reading". It won't change your life, but it the ideal series to read when you feel depressed or just to cozy up with a good lighthearted series on a rainy day or after a hard day at work.

Story: 7
Art: 8
Character: 9
Enjoyment: 10
Overall 9

Story: 7

Not much to say. It doesn't reinvent the genre but it's a nice slice of life about how a girl with a broken family manages to reconnect with people... I found the leisurely pacing just right, nothing felt rushed or too slow, and I surprised myself connecting easily with the series... which given my age it a feast in itself. It's not something that happens that often with slice of life shoujos these days.

Art: 8

I love the art to bits. It's very light ans minimalist and reminds me a lot of Matsumoto Tomo's work albeit it's more light and precise probably given how the manga is entirely digitally drawn. So far all the mangas I've read which were drawn digitally had that "digital feel" that I personally hate ( hence the fact that I'm too fond of webtoons) but this one looks like a traditional manga albeit prettier... It's particularly visible with the grey layers. I can't give it more because of the genre... No super skilled composition here, it's not an action manga after all, but the 8 is well deserved.

Character: 9

It's definitely this manga's forte. ALL characters are truly a delight. When reading slice of life, I'm personally not too fond of hateful characters and useless dramas and love triangles. Here though, these characters act like normal and nice people. They're honest, bashful sometimes awkward and sometimes they lie or hurt each other but never with ill intent. Just like in real life, we often hurt people we love without knowing what we did wrong or because we don't know how to act differently and these characters are just the same. I personally loved all of them... Hiro probably is my favorite but I surprised myself binging this series to see how everybody was going to end up when I usually read this genre over a long period of time because of usual boredom.

Enjoyment: 10

Read it in a single day. I actually wasn't planning to read this. I found it totally by chance and started to read the first chapter.... just because I didn't know which new show I wanted to start...
I loved all characters and their very real problems and I'm a bit sad it's already ended.

Overall: 9

Need to store a good comfort manga in your library? You can add this one to your pile. I often compare series to food whether it's mangas, dramas, anime, movies, novels whatever.

To me, there are two types of mangas that I would classify in "mangas I loved": The Bread type and the Lasagna type.

I love vegetarian Lasagnas, it's delicious.... But it's heavy on the stomach. I couldn't eat it everyday... That would be too much to take in... Good Seinens or shounens often enter this category ( some shoujos as well but it's rarer).

This manga enters in the Bread category: It's tasty but not too much, I could read it everyday and not feel tired of it. Plus it's good for my mental health. It's just makes me feel good. So here it is. Bread looks pretty plain on the outside... but I could not live without it.

House of the Sun is a pretty cute manga about very nice people facing real problems in a realistic way. It never dives into useless angst ( and boy when you look at it, that could have turned into a pretty nasty series in other hands)... I'll be looking for another good feel-good series from this same author :D

Faire un don


Taiyou no Ie
Taiyou no Ie
Auteur Taamo