Japan review

Apr 13, 2021
(Spoiler warning) This is a book that could have been so much more than a lecture about how the Japanese are number 1 and are taking advantage of their status to further their own agenda and how when the time comes every nation on Earth would turn on the Japanese and enslave them. I liked the magical dystopian event to this but shouldn't the old dude have called them back to present-day wherever they were after they defeated the European enslavers? Man, I expected so much more from the person behind Berserk than this bull. Also what's up with the huge dude lecturing ex-Japanese about not respecting their identity as a Japanese person? Dude, you are in a post-apocalyptic world where Japanese are killed because of their nationality, of course, people are going to be disillusioned about holding on to their national identity. This manga is so dumb but it is entertaining.
Faire un don


Auteur Otsuka, Eiji