Majeh review

Apr 03, 2021
Stories are forgotten, this Manhwa specializes in fight scenes.

The art was spectacular not the best I've seen but pretty darn good. Although the illustration was very almost-marvelous, the story was definitely lost in its shadow.

I mean, the story only got a bit interesting by volume 10+ but I think the writer swapped story ideas because in the beginning of the story and later on, the main character barely resembles himself, art-wise also because only up to volume 2 was the art worthy of a a high 9 and then it became awful and after that it tried, tried, to make a comeback but obviously failed because once the illustrator slacks off even for one volume, that's it, the end.

The illustrations are cursed to never again regain their previous quality.

What I am a little angry about is that some of the characters are sick, like I-need-to-see-a-good-psycholagist sick. For example, a little boy gets put through an extremely grisly traumatic experience and developes Disassociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.). And you're shown what happens to him and you can see that he isn't quite sane afterwards but the author makes this look normal (totally pro-illuminati agenda considering this same kid uses snake magic).

To add to that, the writer makes the reader feel attached to the characters by familiarity, a poor move but an easy one and so the reader might not totally accept the character; the characters (aside from the main one) were first introduced because the writer had nothing to think of and then the writer desperately wants to find a reason to keep them in the story... Which is really annoying.

The story was very inconsistent, first you were like: 'the main character is funny/annoying' and then you're like 'he's deep' and then...

It's a complete catastrophe. A complete loss of ideas, a complete loss of story.

But what makes up for the nauseous story-line was the hard-core, heavily illustrated fight scenes. If it weren't for them, I'd have died from confused boredom. But those fight scenes, wow, just wow.
Only when the characters are fighting, do you feel at peace with the story, you go something like:

'Even though it doesn't make sense why they're fighting but did you SEE that whip, it just cracked that things SKULL!! That's CRAZY!
*Crazed laughter* '.

If you adore fight scenes and don't care if the story's screwed then you'll love this Manhwa.
Faire un don


Auteur Kim, Jae-Hwan