Lookism review

Apr 02, 2021
I've been following Lookism for about two years now, and I'll give it a brief review for those of you looking to start the daunting task of entering the world of Lookism:

The story focuses more on the main character during the first 100(?) or so chapters, after which point it starts diverging into side character backstories. This is not a bad thing. There IS an overarching plot, but it is extremely slow to unfold and takes a backseat to side stories, which are very well made. You will find yourself caring about and being invested in the backstories of just about every character. The author really knows how to reel you in.

As for the first 100(?) or so chapters, they are extremely blackpilled. Some readers, like myself, found it disappointing when this brutal nature of the story took a turn and got significantly softer. Not to say that the series has completely lost its edge, but it's definitely been dulled a bit. That being said, while the style of humor might have changed focus, it's still spot on. Seriously, Lookism is hilarious and the quality of the humor hasn't dropped one bit since it began.

The art is great. Practical most of the time but really shines in those moments when it's utterly horrifying and ridiculous. Some of the best twisted expressions I've ever seen in manga/manhwa come from Lookism. I particularly love the attention to character wardrobes. You can also get some serious streetwear inspo from these characters, as most of the clothes they wear are based on brands from real life.

Overall, very enjoyable, as long as you are into the episodic kind of story.
Overall: 7.75 (8)
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Auteur Park, Tae-Jun