Last Game review

Mar 26, 2021
*Review contains spoilers*

Story 6/10
So, I actually thought I was going to rate this lower! At the beginning, I wasn't seeing a very original story...popular guy smitten by loner/smart girl and she is completely oblivious to his feelings. I do not understand how someone could be as oblivious to love and romance as Kuojo. Sure, she might not have had experience with it herself, but she probably has seen a movie or two, a TV show, read a book about it...I mean, she was not raised in a jungle! I don't think it was realistic the amount of time it took her to realize her feelings for Yanagi. There was also that love triangle with another popular guy and girl. Kuojo having to wait for a major event to happen to confront her feelings and chasing after Yanagi to the airport, the rival than then becomes a friend/advisor...So yeah, this story has plenty of cliché and overused aspects from Shoujo manga. However, there are a few redeeming aspects that prompts me to a good rating:
1-main characters have been friends and together for over 10 years. And 1.2 Yanagi's love for Kujou was totally believable as he had spent so much time with her and chasing her and looking after her, that it was bound to happen.
2-Nice twist with Kujou finally realizing her feelings for Yanagi and attempting to confess, while Yanagi was so used to being friend-zoned, that he had actually no clue of what she was trying to do. This actually made the story a lot more interesting and worthwhile reading overall.
3-Yanagi had a very supportive and caring family.
4-Kujou's mother, trying to hook her daughter up with Yanagi, was hilarious to me.
5-I loved the fact that the cry baby was actually the male lead characters. This was too funny for me.

Art 6/10
The drawings were nice to me. Not the best I have seen, not the worse. I did not like the characters were so alike I often couldn't tell the senpais from among other people in the astronomy group.

Characters 6/10
Yanagi: I really liked how humble he was (apparently thanks to Kuojo) and how hard he tried to earn things based on his own merit. I do not feel realistic that he would have feelings for someone for 10 years and not once try to make a move, not even as a joke. I mean, I know he realized his feelings basically by the end of those 10 years, but still. They were pretty much together all the time. I also liked he has such a sensitive side that made him cry all the time. So refreshing to see a sensitive male character.
Kuojo: I can't say I like or dislike her. It's just "meh" for me. I kept thinking she seemed like a cheap copy of Sawako, from Kimi Ni Todoke. I didn't really understand why she was so socially awkward or inept. Author tried to explain it with her father's death, but I don't think the connection was properly made between those two points. I am trying to think about something I really liked about her, but I can't...glad that she was such a hard worker?
The rest of the characters don't really get much of a background, except for Souma. I was so proud of Souma for not wanting to take part of the love triangle, disappointed to see he actually tried, but then happy again at how mature he was at handling being rejected and actually cheering Kuojo on with Yanagi. I wished we could have seen his pairing with Momo, as I think that is/was bound to happen eventually, and they surely would have been one interesting couple.

Enjoyment 6/10
Well...I found myself sometimes wondering why I decided to read this because the story wasn't really going somewhere. However, I am glad I stuck with it until the end because as soon as Kuojo realized her feelings, things began becoming more interesting, making me actually laugh out loud. I think the ending was appropriate and cute.

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Last Game
Last Game
Auteur Amano, Shinobu