Kagerou Daze review

Apr 02, 2021
EDIT: This manga is the sequel to the Kagerou Project songs and prequel to the Novels and Anime.

Kagerou Daze is a manga route of Jin (Shizen no Teki-P)'s series "Kagerou Project". It's written by Jin and illustrated by Mahiro Satou.

STORY: 7/10
Kagerou Daze is the story set mostly on August 14th and 15th and is centered around the Mekakushi Dan, a gang of teenagers with strange eye abilities, the Kagerou Daze, and timeloops.

I would like to note Jin has stated the manga is not intended to be an adaption of the light novel, but another timeline in the series. According to his placement, this route is set after the songs and right before the light novels.

Initially, the manga follows the plot of the light novels, but changes about 1/4 of the way through to being vastly different than any other route in the franchise. Since the manga is now finished, it does NOT stand on it's own and is meant to depict events Mekakucity Actors only showed portions of. I did find the story and bit confusing, and unfortunately I feel the story has not gone on long enough to fully depict it, while the light novels have done better.

ART: Good
The art in this manga is a different style than the designs from Sidu and Wannyanpuu-, it really isn't as nice as Sidu's designs, but they're not bad. Mahiro Satou's art grew on me and I do like it, it's just not one of the best parts of this manga.

I really love the characters is Kagerou Daze. However, most characters in this route do not extensively fleshed out unfortunately. I believe this might've been done because Jin expected readers to be aware of the other media as it went on. I felt this is the weakest part of the manga.

I'm a massive Kagerou Project fan and this manga is what originally got me into the franchise. I adore this manga and it's very dear to me so I highly recommend it.

If you have an interest in weird, sad stories with nice looking characters, you might like Kagerou Daze. PLEASE check out the other media for Kagerou Project because this intentionally became another part of the story's puzzle rather than a contained story. The light novel's story did a similar concept but still resolved story arcs.
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Kagerou Daze
Kagerou Daze
Auteur Jin