Replay review

Apr 04, 2021
This manwha is a love story, it tells the tale of a love that spans across the ages despite what seems like irreversible odds.

Throughout the story I was rather puzzled by the directions that were being taken. Who was the good guy? Who was the bad? I wanted everything to be black and white and there really wasn't any such extremes in this manwha. Then it builds into a crescendo that leaves you stunned at it's end as it reaches a bitterwseet conclusion. How does the story really end? Well that's for the reader to decide I think. I thought it was a rather brilliant story telling move as to continue the story from there would have defeated the purpose I think.

The art quality is decent, though sometimes it leaves you longing for more, but all in all it's not bad. The dialogue is average, though it may leave you wondering if some things were lost in translation from time to time.

Also, I find the changing text on her shirts to be amusing since it was obviously just filler print.

Not the best I've read, but certainly not the worst. Read it if you like bittersweet stories of romance, pass it on buy if you want something purely sweet and fluffy as this won't ping your sweet tooth particularly.
Faire un don


Auteur Tsukahara, Saki