07-Ghost review

Apr 02, 2021
(just for the record, this is a slight alteration of my anime review)

I’m not homophobic nor I see women only as sex toys and anything you read here is pure sarcasm. I just can’t help myself not making fun of an obviously poorly written series that appeals mostly through erotic aesthetics, rather than good directing and character emersion.

ART SECTION: 7/10 [Don’t I look hot in this robe?]

General Artwork & Backgrounds 4/4: A blend of medieval fantasy and science fiction, the artwork is both catchy and interesting. There was much work and detail given into making surfaces and textures to look fairy tale-ish so the series manages to attract you on first looks with its amazing combination of clergy life, occult mystery and military super-soldier projects. So, yeah, the general looks of this series are captivating.

Character Figures 2/2: Hohoho, this is a series of bishounens. Every main and secondary character is made to look like a dream boy any fangirl would kill just to touch his hair. They have glances and smirks that can lure you into their arms in less than 3 seconds. There are some women and old people as well but they are just background decoration or cute mascots, like a perky mermaid, a fuzzy pink critter and a trio of aloof sisters. Most of what you see in the foreground is bishounens women dig and men are envious of.

Although I find it lame to have a picture-perfect cast, I must admit that this series was MADE to be eye candy for a female audience, pretty much like an average harem is full of bimbos and nude aiming at a male audience. This series is almost devoid of nude or blunt fan service yet it doesn’t take much to understand that the characters are made to look and act all erotic. This is NOT a negative aspect; the target audience loves this sort of thing. They are dream males acting all moe and a fine looking cast is what you should expect from it.

Readability 1/4: And here is where things are one big mess. Action scenes and frame flow are terrible! Choreography is a joke, while trying to figure out what exactly is going on is usually very confusing because of the vague way the plot moves. I understand the series was never about the action but this is too much. The only thing you are left to gasp at are the pretty faces and the funky decorations. It is awesome when you look at individual frozen frames; but looking at the chaotic flow of the action in a whole page is just ruining most of it.

STORY SECTION: 4/10 [Oh forget about the fate of the world and just look at me walking elegantly]

General Scenario 2/2: Ok, seriously, this is not a series you watch for the story. It sounds mighty interesting as a concept with military secret ops, mystical temples, scary ghosts, gay innuendos, a sort of detective feeling, a lot of daily fantasy life, you name it. The general idea is mighty interesting. But…

Pacing 1/2: Slow! Very slow! Most chapters don’t even seem to progress the plot and the rest just drag it to the point where you only learn something new just for few frames per volume. Seriously, they could have taken out half the chapters and it still wouldn’t feel rushed.

Side Stories/Extra Spices 1/2: Very few and simple. It is a straight forward story, centered on five people in a world of millions. And that wouldn’t be a problem if it was also a simple story. Yet it isn’t one; it has world shaking events in it. It stays too focused on a few aspects (the military base and the temple) of an otherwise huge and complicating setting.

Plausibility 0/2: With chaotic flow, speed of a snail pacing, and a picture perfect cast spending most of the time looking erotic towards you, you hardly believe this story is realistic or even plausible. And this wouldn’t be a problem if, again, the general story was simple. But it ain’t. Military invasion, murderous ghosts and other world shaking events play less important that a spaced out look from Teito the pretty boy. So ok, it is a light series for aloof viewing but this is just too much. It is just slice of life with some poorly inserted magic dressing that unfolds in a very slow and tiresome way, while focusing too much on erotic aesthetics. The scriptwriter is hardly trying.

Conclusion 0/2: It is still published but I wouldn’t care less about its ending at this point.

CHARACTER SECTION: 3/10 [Pick the one you want to date]
Eh, they are so blunt I won’t even bother separating them into categories. Just like playing a date sim, the series is full of ero/moe archetypes you are suppose to like for their variety in looks and mannerisms and not because of their personalities. Let’s face it, most of the cast was useless to the plot altogether; yet, it was there just so you could pick your favorite amongst the drones. If you ask me, all the characters the series needed was Teito and Mikage (the main couple… err, pair), any one of the priests and Ayanami the psycho military man. All the rest was just dressing and a bad one in terms of personalities. So, although they all LOOK great, very few actually offer anything; and even those few don’t actually blow your mind with their antiques.
It’s less than a half-baked result as they have very little to offer in overall.

VALUE & ENJOYMENT SECTION: 1/10 [Next please!]
Meh, this series doesn’t really offer anything new or refreshing or even remotely interesting if you are a seasoned viewer. The plot is snoring and the characters too generic. I understand it will feel a lot better for women (the target audience) and far worse to homophobic males (who have no reason to watch a series of pretty boys and devoid of girls in the first place). I for once have seen far better BL, or yaoi or fantasy/sci-fi blend.

Down to it, this series is a one-time time killer at best. It will be forgotten soon under some pile of mediocre manga.

SUGGESTION LIST (although I hate those a lot)
Vampire Knight
Faire un don


Auteur Amemiya, Yuki