Shokugeki no Souma review

Apr 02, 2021
Obviously, spoilers ahead. In essence, to sum it up, I wasted 315 chapters of a story. Shokugeki no Souma in my opinion, is one of the greatest downfalls/declines I've ever seen in a manga. As a personal fan of the Central Arc, I noticed even then that during the final fight of Rindo/Tsukasa, vs Erina/Yukihira, it felt extremely rushed, with no adequate pacing whatsoever. After thinking not much of it, I turn to the rest of the story, eager to see what happens afterwards. I was met with a ridiculous character named Asahi Saiba, a supposed "adopted" son of Joichiro, who he taught when he was young. While becoming a great chef, he manages to not only completely destroy Joichiro in a Shokugeki, but also Tsukasa, the first seat, as well, with no real showings of his power. However, that's not even my main issue. The issue lies with his character and the ending. Instead of showing what ways he's able to come back, and Soma being able to surpass his limits, he instead just does another "I'll surpass you" moment to somehow end up beating this supposed master of chefs, giving him the side character treatment as a result. In the end, it results in a battle between Yukihira, and Erina, and you would think finally, this is the scene where she says his food is good, right? No, instead typical Erina goes on to say it's not much more then slop. Yukihira, being flamed by this, wishes to challenge Erina one more time. And that's it. That's how it ends. It ends with a challenge in the middle of a giant competition, with no clear ending, leaving a load of loose ends, along with enough cliffhangers for eons to come. Sadly, in my opinion what was an honest 10 for me has been reduced to a 4, as almost half of this once great story, has turned into, in Erina Nakiri's words, nothing more than B-grade slop.
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Shokugeki no Souma
Shokugeki no Souma
Auteur Saeki, Shun