Aku no Hana 's review

Mar 26, 2021
I actually think this manga could be labeled as a "horror-manga" because it all plays out like some sort of demented never-ending nightmare. Not the sort of nightmare where you're chased by a serial killer, mind you. But rather the sort of nightmare where you discover that you've forgotten to wear clothes to school. (I would name the genre "social-horror")

The set-up is wonderful! Kasuga Takao is a somewhat pretentious boy who considers himself different (and perhaps better) than other people because he's reading difficult french poetry. His favorite book is "the Flowers of Evil" by Baudelaire (thereby the title of the manga). One day he coincidentally finds the gym-bag of the girl he has a crush on and in it her sweaty, recently used gym-outfit. When looking through the bag he hears someone. He panics and runs home with her gym clothes! Unfortunately another girl from his class, Nakamura, saw this. Being a complete sociopath, Nakamura sadistically begins to blackmail Kasuga.

I don't think I should describe the plot more than that. This manga is unique and the story is its strongest point, but Aku no Hana does have some other flaws. The art is good for the most part, but the expressions can be a bit over the top at some times. Still that's not a big problem, it often has a needed comedic effect, but I can't help but find Kasuga a bit annoying when he's constantly exploding in embarrassment! Still other expressions are pure gold, Nakamuras sadistic smile never quite leaves you. Another problem with the art is that it does good when the frame is zoomed in, but often peoples bodies look awkward, unbalanced and wrongly proportioned when you see them in full frame. (not always though)

But nitpicking on the art isn't very productive. A bigger problem for the manga is that at times the character motivations seem a illogical, if you're a person who easily take issue with that, you're probably going to have some problem with this manga. The characters themselves aren't very lovable, but the situation they're in and the friction between them makes things interesting so the manga doesn't really suffer from that.

So: Is it any good? Well, that's not an easy question. I enjoyed it, and I feel sort of guilty, but also confused as to why. I always wanted to continue reading, I wanted to know what happens next. That's a good sign, perhaps that's what's most important in determining if a manga is good. But why? Why did I wish to read on? I think there's three reasons. First of all (here's the reason why I feel sort of guilty), I think it hits a sort of sadistic sweet-spot, it's the same kind of fun you get from watching failblog, a mix of "haha!" and "oh god no".

Secondly, I sort of related to it (in a slightly far-fetched way). Kasuga's paranoia about people thinking he's a pervert, his underdeveloped personality and emotions, his will to just run away from his life, I think these are things many people have experienced at some point in their life. Though I think I would relate to it way more if I was the same age as him. His reactions are sort of illogical at times, but as I said in the beginning, it plays out a bit like a nightmare. It's like the entire manga is a manifestation of paranoia about people judging you as a pervert! And that's a theme I think most people would find interesting, especially if you haven't sorted that out yet. (though this manga will absolutely not help you sort it out!)

And with that I touch on the third reason I enjoy this manga, the confusing reason; It just sort of fascinates me! I'm not sure why, it's the same sensation I get from watching weird art. Something about this manga is just beautifully disturbed, almost surreal. This manga is funny and awful at the same time. I'm not sure it's "good", but it's definitely not boring. I don't know who it's written for, but if the set-up intrigues you give it a shot! You're in for a strange ride...
Faire un don


Aku no Hana
Aku no Hana
Auteur Oshimi, Shuuzou