Keishichou Tokuhanka 007 's review

Mar 27, 2021
Keishichou Tokuhanka 007, past the mouth-full title, the story definitely has, what I believe, an original twist. Cool, silent and deadly, Detective Kuze is the star detective in the police division, it's a given that he gets on the bosses nerves but overall, an interesting character. As we get to know Detective Kuze, what looks like a dumb-broad comes into the scene, although she's a main character and yeah, she's a great help to the investigations, she gets on my nerves.
We follow these partners-in-crime, or should I say, anti-crime, as they go solving crime after crime.

The art is pretty good, there is an faint effort in adding details however ALL the faces (and necks) are disproportionate which however way you look at it, how ever hard you try; you can't ignore it.

Although there is an effort to make a good story with exceptional illustration, it doesn't fully achieve that but there is definitely an effort made by the crew to try to achieve that, the story's good but the fatal draw back was the illustration.

Did I enjoy it?

It was okay, a passing mark but not 'wow'.
Faire un don


Keishichou Tokuhanka 007
Keishichou Tokuhanka 007
Auteur Kaji, Eiri