Crepuscule review

Apr 03, 2021
Well , i don't even know what to say. I don't know what to say. Its very easy to say that the story looked very promising at the beginning, but I was disappointed.

Lets start with the good. You can easily say that the art is extremely decent, and the artist extremely talented and dedicated to his work. Are we done with the good with pros? Hmm, not much, right?

The characters are probably the worst there are out of all rating categories. Most commonly it goes, "Oh, He is a Girl? Well that clears nothing, great." It doesn't have have any real jokes and the ratio of serious : non-serious frames is extremely unbalanced. The story is extremely lacking, even when I promising Light (dark one) of revenge, it was just used there as a phase. The only good character that is there just . . ., well, it would be spoilers if i tell you what happened, right?

Personally, I would only recommend to read this only for art.
Faire un don


Auteur Mirchi