Countrouble review

Apr 04, 2021
tl;dr: A manga focused purely on comedy that’s only decent at it. 

This manga is a rom-com gag manga. There’s very little that’s fully serious in the manga with the focus being much more on comedy than any sort of plot. Even when it seems like something serious is happening, in the end it often turns out to be just a joke. The problem is that while the humor is decent enough, it’s not good enough to hold up the whole manga. The various mechanics and situations arising from the magic are amusing, even if they don’t have any impact, but there wasn’t enough variety to things considering the humor was all there was really. The manga is centered around romance, but relationship development isn’t done particularly well with progress feeling pretty abrupt whenever it occurred. The character set also felt pretty flat and arbitrary. The exception to all this is the ending of the manga, which while still humorous, takes itself pretty seriously and despite this being a pretty major shift from the rest of the manga surprisingly actually manages to do a good if rushed job. The art is good although the designs are somewhat dull. 
Faire un don


Auteur Nao, Akinari