Oretama review

Apr 04, 2021
In a nutshell, this is an over-the-top fanservice comedy that had me hooked in the early chapters but became repetitive and dull as I read on. The premise is simple, yet absurd and does a good job of setting up the potential for hilarity. I definitely wouldn't recommend reading this for the story as the plot and character development are generic as they come, although for this genre that's pretty forgivable.

The characters for this story are very average, neither likable nor dislikable for the most part, although I somewhat liked Irene and Minayo. Female lead Elyse is a textbook, generic tsundere with hardly any unique characterization. Same can be said for the male lead and most of the villains as well.

The art is solid when it comes to depicting cute (often nude) girls and lewd scenes. There isn't much else to be said in that regard.

Story 4/10
Art 6.5/10
Characters 5/10
Enjoyment 5.5/10
Overall 5/10

*Scores are based on 5 being considered average.

My enjoyment of this manga was probably up around an 8/10 for the first several chapters, but it gradually came down to being boring around halfway through, enjoyment was probably at 3/10 in the final five to ten chapters or so. So I averaged the enjoyment factor out to 5.5/10. Look, few people love fanservice and lewdness in their manga and anime more than me, but when that's ALL you're offering, it's hard to get a high score. In the end, all this manga had going for it was near-hentai levels of fanservice, respectable quality of art, and a few good jokes that got run into the ground.

This manga is definitely worth a try if you fit the tastes of its target demographic, but the jokes and the premise may wear out their welcome and become boring long before the ending. All in all, this manga is just okay in my opinion.
Faire un don


Auteur Harada, Shigemitsu